Vacancy -Musical Director

Vacancy – Musical Director

To join Summer/Autumn 2024

Harmonie Concert Band is a symphonic wind band based in south Essex which is celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2026. We are a community band, that welcomes musicians of all ages to come and make music, we always strive to attain a high standard and to broaden our musical knowledge, experience and abilities.

We currently have 40+ active members from all over Essex who meet on Wednesday evenings in Rayleigh. We have an extensive music library and play a wide music repertoire including classics, popular and light music, marches, music from films and shows, and more demanding works written or arranged specifically for wind band.

We perform 5 -6 concerts each year, including Bandstands, community events and formal concerts, some in collaboration with other music and performing arts organisations. We have played at venues throughout Essex, plus visits further afield including Eastbourne, Windsor Castle.

We are looking for someone who would enjoy the challenge of bringing the best out of the band whilst working in a friendly community atmosphere. The Musical Director is responsible to the Committee and will manage all musical matters, including music and programme selection and rehearsal schedules.  This is a freelance position, and a suitable fee will be agreed with the successful candidate. The band is funded entirely by donations from band members and occasional performance fees.

For more information about the band please see, and to express an interest in the MD position please email

Harmonie Concert Band is a Registered Charity no.1129948                                                                                                                

Harmonie plays it’s last concert under the leadership of Roy Dignum.

Sarah and Roy enjoying the arrangement of Roy’s favourite melodies played by the band over the years.

On Sunday 17th July we played our last concert at Windsor Castle under the leadership of Roy Dignum who had been our MD for almost 20 years. Together with his wife Sarah they had been a mainstay of the band and will be sadly missed.

The day started with a coach pickup in Rayleigh, our home venue at 9:00 AM, a brief stop at Thurrock Services to pick up more band members and finally arriving at Windsor just before midday.  The band then played 3 sets of music culminating in a farewell presentation to Roy and Sarah including an arrangement of Roy’s favourite tunes done by David our band chairman.

The picture on the right shows Sarah and Roy enjoying the arrangement of Roy’s favourite melodies played by the band over the years.