Dust off your instruments and join us for a taste of life in a concert band.
All you need is an instrument, an ability to read music, a music stand and lots of enthusiasm. Come along and join us! We are looking for brass, woodwind and percussion/kit players.
If you are interested in joining us then just turn up and have a try, no need to email, but if you would like to ask any questions then please do email enquiries@harmonie.org.uk.
We currently have about 50 members, but we’re always happy to meet new players. There are no auditions: all we expect is that you have some technical ability on your instrument, be it woodwind, brass or percussion, and enthusiasm for making music. Subs are £40 per school term.
If you would like to come along for a rehearsal please contact enquiries@harmonie.org.uk.
As well as playing around 10 concerts per year we also have an annual band workshop day. We arrange for a guest conductor to come in and focus on particular pieces and improving our playing.
We rehearse weekly on Wednesday evenings during school term time from 7.30 pm to 9.45 pm.
Young people under 16 are welcome to join us (and it can contribute towards your Arts Award), however you will need a chaperone in order to fulfil our child protection policy. You can read more about this, and our other policies here.
You do not have to be based in South Essex to join our band: as long as you are happy to travel, come along and join us.
Our rehearsal venue is at the Mega Centre Rayleigh, Brook Road Industrial Estate, Rayleigh SS6 7UT.
See on Google Map.
Turn into Brook Road directly from the Southend-bound slip road, just after the Motel. Don’t miss the turn, otherwise you will have to go a long way down the A127 before you can turn around!
The rehearsal venue is fully wheelchair accessible, with a disabled toilet. We are an inclusive organisation, with a designated disability officer. If you are disabled and would like to join us please do get in touch to talk. Email enquiries@harmonie.org.uk. We will do all we can to support you. Read our disability policy.