Who’s who

Harmonie Concert Band is run by a team of volunteers who serve on the committee.

The committee is elected each year at our AGM (usually early May). If you would like to be more involved in running the band, come and talk to any member of the committee.

The current team members are:

Chairman: Kevin Hale
Secretary: Deborah Carter
Treasurer: Colin Murdoch
Concert Manager: AnneMarie Andrew
Interim Musical Director: Anthony Carter
Librarian: Audrey Metcalf
Musical Director: Vacant
Committee Members: Pam Murdoch, David Adlington, Jane Abbott, Lynne Bull and Sarah Clark.

Musical Director: Recruitment to this position is in progress.

Governance matters

Harmonie Concert Band is a voluntary community music group and is also a Registered Charity. Registered Charity Number 1129948)

The Trustees of the Charity are currently:
Deborah Carter
Colin Murdoch
Sarah Clark

Important governance documents are available here:

Our Policy documents are being reviewed, the current ones here may be outdated.